[MacTUG] Mac Pro Radeon conflict

Richard Crispin rcrispin at sju-serv1.uwaterloo.ca
Fri Sep 24 07:11:40 EDT 2010

Hi All
I was approached at the WatRMUG meeting by a fellow who was having a problem that we had not encountered before. I am hoping that this group might have some insight. According to MacTracker the power supply is 318 watts. This seems kind of wimpy for this machine. Is it likely that there just is not enough power to run everything? Is there a power supply upgrade that anyone knows about?
Thanks for any help.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Kevin McCaig <djkevinmc at me.com>
> Date: September 23, 2010 11:13:07 PM EDT
> To: rcrispin at me.com
> Subject: Kevin's Mac Pro Radeon conflict
> Mac Pro 3,1 (Early 2008)
> 2.8GHz Quad Core
> 10GB RAM
> 4 Caviar green sata drives
> BD/RW running off the secondary sata ports
> Superdrive (Stock Optiarc 7170)
> Radeon HD 5770 in the dual width 16 lane PCIe driving a Cinema HD and a Cinema 22"
> The problem I ran into was when I attempted to run the 5770 concurrently with the stock HD 2600 XT in the second 16 lane PCIe slot. Regardless of whether anything was plugged into the 2600 the machine would not complete it's startup with both video cards installed. Separately they both function flawlessly, but together it stalls out around the first blue screen when a screen is connected to the 2600 and at the desktop when one of the two cards is left idle, still installed but not driving a screen (so it didn't matter which card was doing the driving, as long as the other card was present the machine locked up, and if both were driving a screen the lockup was earlier).
> Neither case results in a pinwheel of death, in the case where it makes it to the desktop it loads the desktop and icons, menubar and menu items and I can move the mouse, but nothing is clickable, I did give it some time in both cases to see if it might recover, but after 15 minutes or so in both cases I decided to shut it down. 
> Here are the Diagnostic messages from around the time in question:
> 10-09-22 12:49:44 AM	SubmitDiagInfo[84786]	Spent 4.521550 seconds seconds submitting 2 messages totaling 311958 bytes
> com.apple.message.domain: com.apple.SubmitDiagInfo.SubmissionTime
> com.apple.message.value: 2
> com.apple.message.value2: 311958
> com.apple.message.value3: 4.521550
> 10-09-22 9:59:51 AM	configd[14]	Sleep: Platform Failure - AC
> com.apple.message.domain: com.apple.powermanagement.sleep
> com.apple.message.signature: Platform Failure
> com.apple.message.result: Failure
> com.apple.message.uuid: 219A3F6F-FF34-40CA-8A28-8A63D8C2521D
> 10-09-22 10:12:48 AM	configd[14]	Sleep: Drivers Failure - AC - HDEF UHC3
> com.apple.message.domain: com.apple.powermanagement.sleep
> com.apple.message.signature: Drivers Failure
> com.apple.message.result: Failure
> com.apple.message.uuid: 63E9E262-FEA2-44F2-B0E3-DD58EB32364E
> and here are the kernel messages from the last attempt:
> 10-09-22 10:49:32 AM	kernel	IOHIDSystem: postEvent LLEventQueue overflow.
> this error repeated about 700 times until this point when I forced a shutdown:
> 10-09-22 10:50:23 AM	kernel	IOHIDSystem: postEvent LLEventQueue overflow.
> Thanks for looking into this one for me, I'm at a loss.
> cheers,
> Kevin McCaig

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