[MacTUG] connect.uwaterloo.ca issue with Safari and new page

Trevor Bain etbain at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Oct 28 23:31:07 EDT 2010

I mentioned to Glenn that I think it's a little surprising/unfortunate
that Microsoft hasn't provided the ability to turn this off via the
interface. At least it is consistent (both across browsers and desktop

Yes... it was listed as a 2010 enhancement - somebody thought it was a
good idea. Can't say I agree but it does make going from desktop client to
browser easier.

It's good to have feedback like this. We've had lots of people using OWA
under Exchange 2010 since August - I don't think anyone has
noticed/reported the shortcut 'feature'. We may need to give our users a
heads up.


On 10-10-28 11:07 PM, "Lawrence Folland" <lfolland at uwaterloo.ca> wrote:

>The same thing happens in Windows or Linux using both Firefox and
>Internet Explorer.  I believe it would be considered a feature of the
>web app.
>Glenn Anderson wrote:
>> If I have the Outlook Web App open, url
>>https://connect.uwaterloo.ca/owa/  and it's my current window. When I
>>do a cmd-n for a new browser window, instead of getting a new browser
>>window what happens is that I get a new mail message window.
>> If I am in the Outlook Web Calendar, when I do a cmd-n I get a new
>>appointment window instead of a new window.
>> If I use the menu to do a new window, it works fine and I get a new
>>browser window. The menu also does show that cmd-n is for a new browser
>> I don't think this is what should be happening, as it doesn't follow
>>the Mac interface rules as I understand them.
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