[MacTUG] Binding to golden triangle via scripting

Ian Turner iturner at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Oct 12 07:43:19 EDT 2010

our standard process is to image the machines

then I have ARD steps to copy a script to a secure location (because it 
contains credentials)
then another ARD step runs the script, and the last thing the script 
does is delete itself

I think I started the script based on Mike Bombich's examples - but his 
new web site seems to only include CCC??

my friend Google tells me that Apple - via

seems to like putting the binding in a boot time script; guess you could 
package that up with Deploy Studio?

more info

On 2010/10/08 16:37 , Donald Duff-McCracken wrote:
> I have a bunch of staff machines that are currently not managed that I
> want to bring into the old golden triangle system. For new machines I
> think I will likely rebuild them using deploystudio and get deploystudio
> to bind them to AD/OD.
> But that leaves the already existing machines that I would like to turn
> into managed macs. OK, it is not that hard to bind macs to OD/AD —
> especially when I a text file named “OU= Stafffaculty,
> OU=Computers,OU=Resources,OU=Environmental
> Studies,OU=Faculties,DC=NEXUS,DC=UWATERLOO,DC=CA “ on my desktop, haha.
> So while it is not that onerous to manually bind the existing
> staff/faculty macs, I have been thinking about writing a script to do
> so, and then wrapping that script in a compiled applescript or making it
> a package for ARD deployment. Has anyone done this on campus? Quite
> frankly, I likely will not put a lot of energy into this as it only
> something I will use for the existing machines (as all new machines will
> likely be bound via deploystudio), but I thought I would check out if
> anyone has already tried this out.
> Don
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