[MacTUG] Mac email - not from field value in sent mailbox after change over to Exchange 2010

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Nov 15 09:55:27 EST 2010

For some reason after the change from Exchange 2007 to 2010 as the mail server, the sender is not being recorded/displayed in the From field in the sent mailbox folder in Mac email.
This only happens when using the EWS protocol, imap works fine. Also, it only occurs when the sent mail is saved on the host, not the local machine.

I was hoping that 10.6.5 would have address this problem, but it has not.

Also, from some of the forum postings, this might not be limited to just Mac email, as a few posters have also said the problem occurs with Thunderbird and mobile email clients.

I am wondering if anyone else had this reported or seen a solution posted for this.

The best thread on Apple's forums that I have found is this http://discussions.info.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2531837&start=15&tstart=1

Glenn Anderson
IST, University of Waterloo
anderson at uwaterloo.ca
519-888-4567 x33327

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