[MacTUG] Adding uwldap to Outlook 2011 for Mac

Donald Duff-McCracken dsmccrac at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Nov 10 14:59:06 EST 2010

Hi there

I was talking with Glenn and Reg about setting up Outlook to work with UWLDAP, and I could not get the darned thing to work.

Keith Peck eventually described how to set it up. Ironically, I do not think I had set it up wrong, I was just not used to how Outlook uses other LDAPs. When you are typing in the TO field, Outlook only checks your personal addressbook and the GAL. If you have set up any other directories, you click on the little addressbook icon to the right of the TO field. I did not know that as that is different from how mail works (and if I remember correctly, Entrourage). I do not have a problem with this (now I know how it works, haha) as it does not bomb you with a zillion usernames when you start typing in the TO field.

From: Keith Peck <keith.peck at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:keith.peck at uwaterloo.ca>>
Here's what I did to get it working…

Open Outlook if it isn't already :-)

  1.  Go to "Outlook" > "Preferences…"
  2.  Select the "Accounts" icon
  3.  At bottom-left corner click the drop-down arrow beside the plus sign to add account and choose "Directory Service…" from the list.
  4.  Enter the following
     *   LDAP server = uwldap.uwaterloo.ca
     *   CHECK "Override default port" (389 should appear to the right of the LDAP server)
     *   UNCHECK "Use SSL to connect (recommended)"
     *   Click the "Add Account" button at bottom-right.
  5.  Click the "Advanced" button at the lower-right on the accounts window (while uwldap is selected in left pane).
  6.  Enter the following in the LDAP search options window
     *   Maximum number of results to return: 100
     *   Search base: dc=uwaterloo,dc=ca
     *   Click "OK" button to close window.
  7.  Quit Outlook 2011.
  8.  Launch Outlook 2011.
  9.  Create a new message.
  10. Click the address book icon at the right side of either the "To" or "Cc" fields.
  11. Choose "uwldap directory" in the right Contact drop-down menu
     *   Type the name you're looking for in the search field.
     *   Browse down the list and select the person you want.
  12. Click on "To", "Cc" or "Bcc".
  13. Close the search window.
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