[MacTUG] another odd problem

Steve Hellyer phasetwo at apple.com
Tue May 4 13:56:33 EDT 2010

Starting place...

Performing an MX (Mail Exchange) lookup for uwaterloo.ca here from Apple I only get....

uwaterloo.ca.		86344 IN MX 0 mxer.uwaterloo.ca.

If connect.uwaterloo.ca is a mail server then it done with internal routing "magic".

All outside mail is going to mxer.uwaterloo.ca. Which is a bit odd as usually there are backup mail servers in case first goes down.

Here is apple.com as an example....
apple.com.		3600 IN	MX 10 mail-in14.apple.com.
apple.com.		3600 IN	MX 20 mail-in2.apple.com.
apple.com.		3600 IN	MX 20 mail-in6.apple.com.
apple.com.		3600 IN	MX 100 mail-in3.apple.com.
apple.com.		3600 IN	MX 10 mail-in11.apple.com.
apple.com.		3600 IN	MX 10 mail-in12.apple.com.
apple.com.		3600 IN	MX 10 mail-in13.apple.com.

The number after the MX is priority. Low the number the higher the priority.

In general I would say uwaterloo.ca server (mxer.uwaterloo.ca) doesn't know who userid at uwaterloo.ca is but connect.uwaterloo.ca does.

Not sure what you see internally as far as MX records but every mail server needs MX record. That what mail server software looks for.


On 2010-05-04, at 1:31 PM, Richard Crispin wrote:

> After converting to 10.6 we are having this peculiar e-mail problem. I 
> will try and explain the behaviour as clearly as I can but it is a bit 
> confusing.
> On our Open Directory we have everyone who works at SJU listed. We have 
> been moving people's e-mail from sju.uwaterloo.ca to 
> connect.uwaterloo.ca. In the mail section of OD we put a forward on 
> their e-mail and directed it to their uwaterloo account. The short name 
> we have used is the same as the short watiam id (max 8 characters). If 
> we send an e-mail to a userid at uwaterloo.ca it gets bounced as an unknown 
> user. If we send to userid at connect.uwaterloo.ca it goes through. If we 
> change the forward to be userid at connect.uwaterloo.ca then it works as well.
> Any ideas what is going on with this.
> -- 
> Richard Crispin
> Information Systems Admine-mail:rcrispin at sju.uwaterloo.ca
> St. Jerome's University     phone:Days (519)884-8111 ext. 28260
> 290 Westmount Rd. N         FAX:(519)725-0015
> Waterloo, Ont.  N2L 3G3
> Canada
> ---
> When I die I'd like to die the way my grandfather died, peacefully in
>     his sleep...      ... not screaming and shouting, like his passengers.
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> "Time, heat and pressure.
>    The same things that make a diamond also make a waffle." Scott Meyer
> "Every morning is the dawn of a new error." unknown
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Steve Hellyer
Pre-Sales Systems Engineer
Education Division (Higher Education)
Apple Canada Inc.
7495 Birchmount Rd.
Markham, Ontario, Canada
L3R 5G2

PH: (905)513-5647
Mailto: phasetwo at apple.com

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