[MacTUG] FYI: Changes to our Active Directory and Macs...

Erick Engelke erick at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Mar 30 09:08:51 EDT 2010

On Tue, 30 Mar 2010, Ian Turner wrote:
> that's fine, but what we are discussing / concerned about, is whether ANYONE 
> needs / wants / has requested the Apple schema extensions, documented in the 
> attachment - because we are concerned that including them in the Active 
> Directory Schema will break the Magic Triangle / link with the Open Directory 
> for all of us using it

The active directory consolidation project report will discuss a lot of 
varied topics - because a lot is riding on this.

It specifically mentions Macs and currently recommends we use Open 
Directory in the Magic Triangle to support macintoshes.  We feel O.D. 
offers a good solution, and we don't want to do anything to break it.

I had some Emails with Don in ES about how he's using Open Directory, and 
he mentioned Mathew's work too.  My belief is - if the magic triangle is 
working with Nexus today, it should work with our future active directory.

On a side note: 64 bit nexus domain controllers have been orderred, and in 
about two months we will be moving nexus to Windows Server 2008 R2.  First 
we will use them in nexustest, a separate active directory used just for 
testing.  If all works fine, we will move them to the real nexus.

I imagine someone doing open directory would want to be involved while we 
do our testing - in a couple of weeks.


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