[MacTUG] ipod touch mail - connect ( exchange ) email account doesn't sync up with iMac

Trevor Bain etbain at connect.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Jul 14 10:10:26 EDT 2010

Since I mentioned it, I thought I would pass along the Exchange ActiveSync device listing from Connect. The BlackBerry devices use the BES server (not ActiveSync) but this give you an idea of the other mobile devices using Connect (this would not include any using IMAP connections). Not surprisingly, the vast majority of these are Apple devices (iPod, iPhone, iPad). The 801.293 indicates devices running iOS4:
Device-Type	Device-OS-Version
Android	Android/0.3
htcdream	Android-EAS/0.1
htcmagic	Android-EAS/0.1
iPad		Apple-iPad/702.367
iPad		Apple-iPad/702.367
iPad		Apple-iPad/702.367
iPad		Apple-iPad/702.367
iPad		Apple-iPad/702.367
iPad		Apple-iPad/702.367
iPad		Apple-iPad/702.367
iPad		Apple-iPad/702.367
iPad		Apple-iPad/702.367
iPad		Apple-iPad/702.367
iPad		Apple-iPad/702.367
iPad		Apple-iPad/702.367
iPhone	Apple-iPhone/703.144
iPhone	Apple-iPhone/705.18
iPhone	Apple-iPhone/705.18
iPhone	Apple-iPhone/705.18
iPhone	Apple-iPhone/705.18
iPhone	Apple-iPhone/705.18
iPhone	Apple-iPhone/705.18
iPhone	Apple-iPhone/705.18
iPhone	Apple-iPhone/705.18
iPhone	Apple-iPhone/705.18
iPhone	Apple-iPhone/705.18
iPhone	Apple-iPhone1C2/801.293
iPhone	Apple-iPhone1C2/801.293
iPhone	Apple-iPhone1C2/801.293
iPhone	Apple-iPhone1C2/801.293
iPhone	Apple-iPhone2C1/801.293
iPhone	Apple-iPhone2C1/801.293
iPhone	Apple-iPhone2C1/801.293
iPhone	Apple-iPhone2C1/801.293
iPhone	Apple-iPhone2C1/801.293
iPhone	Apple-iPhone2C1/801.293
iPhone	Apple-iPhone2C1/801.293
iPhone	Apple-iPhone2C1/801.293
iPod		Apple-iPod/507.7700001
iPod		Apple-iPod/508.1100001
iPod		Apple-iPod/705.18
iPod		Apple-iPod/705.18
iPod		Apple-iPod/705.18
iPod		Apple-iPod/705.18
iPod		Apple-iPod/705.18
iPod		Apple-iPod/705.18
iPod		Apple-iPod/705.18
iPod		Apple-iPod/705.18
iPod		Apple-iPod/705.18
iPod		Apple-iPod/705.18
iPod		Apple-iPod/705.18
iPod		Apple-iPod/705.18
iPod		Apple-iPod/705.18
iPod		Apple-iPod2C1/801.293
iPod		Apple-iPod2C1/801.293
iPod		Apple-iPod2C1/801.293
iPod		Apple-iPod2C1/801.293
iPod		Apple-iPod2C1/801.293
iPod		Apple-iPod2C1/801.293
iPod		Apple-iPod3C1/801.293
iPod		Apple-iPod3C1/801.293
Palm		Palm/1.0.1
PocketPC	MSFT-PPC/4.0
PocketPC	MSFT-PPC/5.2.204
SmartPhone	MSFT-SPhone/5.2.402


Trevor Bain, IST
University of Waterloo
519-888-4567 x33738
etbain at uwaterloo.ca

-----Original Message-----
From: Glenn Anderson [mailto:anderson at uwaterloo.ca] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 9:52 AM
To: MacTUG
Cc: Trevor Bain
Subject: Re: [MacTUG] ipod touch mail - connect ( exchange ) email account doesn't sync up with iMac

Hi Trevor,

There is no third party software involved, nor has this anything to do with Exchange ActiveSync.

On the Mac, using iTunes one can setup their ipod so that it syncs information/apps/etc between the iMac and the iPod. 
One of the things that can be synced ( one way Mac->iPod ) is the email account settings. 

As I said, in general the person's email account settings seem to be transferred fine for 2 of their accounts, it is only the connect one that the settings do not get transferred over. 
The other two are fine, with the necessary inboxes, userid, password, etc settings transferred over.

As to whether the added connect email account remains after the next sync, we will find out next sync. I haven't found any documentation on exactly what would happen in this case, but as auto sync is setup with the Mac being the master for the email settings that next time the ipod is connected, then the setting will be updated to match the Mac and the connect setting "lost".

On 2010-07-14, at 9:30 AM, Trevor Bain wrote:

> I haven't upgraded my iPod to iOS 4 (but the logs on the server indicate that quite a number of folks have).
> There are a couple of things I don't quite understand from your email:
> "ipod touch mail - connect ( exchange ) email account	doesn't sync up with iMac"
> Are you/they syncing the iPod with the iMac (using 3rd party software) or directly with the server (using Exchange ActiveSync)? My iPod syncs with the server directly with no problem.
> If manually configuring the account on the iPod works, I'm not sure why the next sync would remove that configuration from the iPod (unless you're using a third party sync tool).
> Trevor
> --
> Trevor Bain, IST
> University of Waterloo
> 519-888-4567 x33738
> etbain at uwaterloo.ca
> --

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