[MacTUG] Mac mini Server

Donald Duff-McCracken dsmccrac at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Jan 5 15:11:32 EST 2010

So danny got me curious!

While I was doing other things this morning I made a generic netboot disk --
no other apps but the apple stuff. After lunch and before being stranded on
the helpdesk I tried netbooting some of my lab macs. As I had not done it
before and because I did not want to mess up my whole lab and due to the
fact that I only had 1/2 an hour, I only netbooted 8 or 9 machines.

They started reasonably fast -- I did not time them but more than a minute
but I would guess less than 2 minutes. When they were up and running it
looked fine. As far as startup, I don't think this is an issue. If I was
running a cluster of clients this way I would get them all to go to sleep
after 20 minutes, and then also have the power down at nite and start up at
6am or whatever. Once they were running they seemed to be behaving fine.
Checking the graphs on the mini, it did not look like it was sweating at all
running 8 or 9 clients.

If I get a chance I will play with this more this week. Perhaps get more
machines running this way.

On 10-01-05 10:26 AM, "Don Duff-McCracken" <dsmccrac at connect.uwaterloo.ca>

> Hi Dani
> The only macs I have netbooted off our our mac mini server have been the lab
> machines that netbooted during a deploystudio install. Having said that, I
> was impressed at how it performed.
> Comparing it to our old dual G5 xserve is a bit of an apples to oranges
> thing, partly because the G5 was using netrestore not deploystudio. Having
> said that, the mac mini felt like it could handle more than the xserve, and
> with 2 2ghz processors, the xserve is not a piece of crap!
> I usually build my lab a dozen machines at a time. This decision is more
> based on the fact that a dozen machines seems to saturate the 1gig pipe to
> the server. At any rate, during boot time the mini seemed to boot the
> clients at least as quickly as the g5 did (again, I was using a different
> deployment tool that used a different boot image, so it is not a totally
> fair comparison), and it certainly had no problem saturating the pipe when
> it was time to push out the files.
> Now you have me curious, perhaps I will try to make a proper netboot image
> and boot up the lab machines from it before the pesky students start using
> it, haha.
> don
> On 10-01-05 9:31 AM, "Dani Roloson" <daroloso at mfcf.math.uwaterloo.ca> wrote:
>> Any estimates on how many netboot clients this puppy could handle?
>> Dani
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> Donald Duff-McCracken
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> Faculty of Environmental Studies
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Donald Duff-McCracken
Technical Services Manager
Mapping, Analysis & Design
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University of Waterloo
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