[MacTUG] Managing Mac OS X with Workgroup Manager and Active Directory - Apple - Free Online Seminars

Steve Hellyer phasetwo at apple.com
Wed Feb 24 15:06:44 EST 2010

Here is an updated version May 2009.

To be frank... if they are struggling with these step by step instructions then they may not be trained well enough on AD administration.  I would fall into that category, but then again AD is not out primary directory system here.  You need to find the right person within your organization which has used these Microsoft tools, trained on schema extensions and is comfortable with LDIF files.  In the hands of the right person this document is a "paint by numbers" and consider very straight forward.

If you don't have person/people like this them perhaps "Magic Triangle" is a better approach or use a consultant who can set this up properly.  You going to need Mac Servers for lab netboot/imaging. Server also come with built-in WIKI/Blog, open source based (CALDAV) iCal server and automated podcasting solution. This provides an opportunity to provide more functionality new student are demanding yet still rely on authentication from AD directory system.

Hope this helps.


On 2010-02-24, at 2:43 PM, Ian Turner wrote:

> this is much more about workgroup manager as a tool and glosses over the 
> sort of critical point that we stumbled at - extending the Active 
> Directory Schema
> there is a sort of hard to find reference
> http://images.apple.com/ca/business/solutions/it/docs/Best_Practices_Active_Directory.pdf

Steve Hellyer
Pre-Sales Systems Engineer
Education Division (Higher Education)
Apple Canada Inc.
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Mailto: phasetwo at apple.com

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