[MacTUG] Managing Mac OS X with Workgroup Manager and Active Directory - Apple - Free Online Seminars

Ian Turner iturner at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Feb 24 14:43:17 EST 2010

this is much more about workgroup manager as a tool and glosses over the 
sort of critical point that we stumbled at - extending the Active 
Directory Schema

there is a sort of hard to find reference

a white paper from 2007.

Our AD guru struggled and finally gave up with schema extension -> 
that's what led us to the golden triangle - and I for one am very happy 
with that solution - in the video, you wouldn't be able to tell the 
difference to what he is saying/doing; except you point WorkGroup 
Manager at Open Directory - and your OD server is bound to AD, so you 
get the people and groups from AD as "read only", and then embed them in 
OD groups for "management"; WGM can scan the network to create computer 
groups and lists in OD

On 2010/02/23 14:23 , Marlon A. Griffith wrote:
> http://www.seminars.apple.com/seminarsonline/managing/apple/index.html?s=203&locs=us_en
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