[MacTUG] followup to question today about Mac issues mounting smb home directories

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Feb 23 12:20:15 EST 2010

Thanks Ian.

One question, did this work with Leopard?

This was one of the articles that I found as well.


On 23/02/10 12:00 PM, Ian Turner wrote:
> the long story started with Tiger, but Leopard had significant differences
> For Tiger, we followed:
> http://www.afp548.com/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=17096
> gives a solution - namely change the AUTOMOUNT from YES to NO
> in /etc/hostconfig.
> *************************************
> The symptom we were seeing was "unable to log in". After much chasing,
> eg, it would be "solved" by a reboot; we determined it was because
> previous users home mounts were "hanging" and trying to automount - and
> of course failing authentication!
> For Leopard, (reference an article on MacWindows dated June 20, 2008)
> we did:
> Using Lingon - under System Daemons - com.apple.automountd
> "un-tick" Enabled
> click "save"
> as root
> edit /etc/auto_master
> and "hash out" so it looks like:
> #/net -hosts -nobrowse,nosuid
> #/home auto_home -nobrowse
> #/Network/Servers -fstab

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