[MacTUG] ical and cancelled meetings

Trevor Bain etbain at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Dec 22 10:33:27 EST 2010

I created a meeting and then cancelled it - with two L's :) 

The meeting was deleted from the organizer's calendar and a cancellation email was sent to my Exchange account. The cancellation email had the option to remove the meeting from my calendar. If I just delete the email, it stays on my calendar and I'll get notified. If it remove it from my calendar, it is removed from my calendar and I won't get a notification. There doesn't appear to be an option to keep it on your calendar but not be notified.

I've attached various screenshots of the cancellation email for:
Outlook 2011 (Mac)
Outlook 2007 (Windows)
ActiveSync device (Palm Web OS)

Curiously, the cancellation email does NOT appear on my iPod (another ActiveSync device) but the meeting appears as cancelled (sic) in my Calender app on the iPod. So, it looks like the iPod is doing some form of automatic processing. When I manually process the email on another platform (i.e. tell it to remove the meeting from my calendar), it is removed from my calendar on all except my iPod - where it remains as a "Canceled" meeting with a line through it (see attached screen shot).


Trevor Bain, IST
University of Waterloo
519-888-4567 x33738
etbain at uwaterloo.ca

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