[MacTUG] Safari Automatically Downloads

Jeff Dunnett jdunnett at math.uwaterloo.ca
Fri Sep 4 09:18:34 EDT 2009


Currently my Safari 4 installation automatically downloads a file and  
saves it to my desktop.  Is there a way so that the when downloading  
the file it asks me if I want to open it and lets me choose the  
program (or automatically choses but still asked me if I want to open  
it).  I tried Googling it but couldn't find a quick answer.  The  
reason I ask this is that I am having problems downloading Excel  
reports from FORE.  It seems to be producing the reports in the xsl  
when they are really in .xslx format.  The only way I can get them to  
open is if I try to open them on download using IE.  Which is a  
problem on a Mac :)


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