[MacTUG] OnBase client upgrade info

Andrew Ward amward at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Oct 22 11:46:05 EDT 2009

In preparation for the OnBase document management system upgrade next 
week, here are some details about upgrading the Java and ActiveX web 
clients. Functional users in your faculties and departments (grad 
coordinators, graduate officers, and associate deans) will receive a 
separate communication from the Graduate Studies Office next week to 
inform notify them when the upgrade is complete.

The new Java client should download automatically to the client 
workstations the first time they access OnBase after the upgrade. On the 
off chance that the new Java app does not automatically download, the 
client will need to clear the local Java cache. Instructions (currently 
in draft for, to be finalized by the weekend) for clearing the Java 
cache on a number of platforms can be found at: 

And, courtesy of Daniel Delattre in Engineering Computing, here is 
information about the ActiveX deployment:
> The OnBase upgrade will require a deployment of a new ActiveX control 
> for the web client on managed and unmanaged Windows workstations.  In 
> order to install this new ActiveX control every workstation will 
> require a reboot.
> For most managed office workstations this reboot and upgrade will 
> require the users to logoff from their workstations before they leave 
> at the end of the day during the week of the upgrade.  It might be 
> prudent to reboot the workstations this week, before the upgrade in 
> order to make sure that previous released software upgrades and 
> windows updates are installed beforehand.  You might also want to let 
> your users know that a daily reboot next week might help speed up the 
> process.
> For unmanaged workstations the upgrade will require administrative 
> privileges to uninstall the previous version and to install the new 
> version with the provided new executable.  The update can be 
> downloaded from my website at 
> http://delattre.uwaterloo.ca/pages/public-information/onbaseactivex.php.  
> The same file will be available for download from the Document 
> Management System Webpage at http://mynarski.uwaterloo.ca.
> The stand-alone version is build to automatically uninstall any 
> previous versions and install the latest version.  However in case 
> there are any issues, there is a script available that will force the 
> uninstall and clean up of older versions.  Afterwards you can run the 
> stand-alone version to install the latest version.

As in the past, any questions or concerns can be directed to me (x37114, 
or via email amward at uwaterloo.ca). Of course, Daniel will be much better 
able to answer questions concerning the ActiveX install.


Andrew Ward
Information Systems, IST

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