[MacTUG] Security Update 2009-002 (Intel) no installing

Jeff Dunnett jdunnett at math.uwaterloo.ca
Thu May 14 14:59:07 EDT 2009


I'm trying to instal Security Update 2009-002 (Intel).  For some  
reasons it is not working.  I tried installing using the automatic  
update and that failed.  I then tried installing it by downloading  
the update and got the message, "You cannot install Security Update  
2009-002 (Intel) on this volume. This volume does not meet the  
requirements for this update."  I am not sure what it means by this..

I have all of the patches installed on the system except:

XServe EFI Fireware Update v1.0
LOM Update v1.1

Does anyone have an idea of why the update failed?

I had no indication that the the update failed on the automatic  
updater until I realized the OpenSSL version hadn't changed.


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