[MacTUG] updating dyld

Steve Hellyer phasetwo at apple.com
Wed Mar 4 00:30:02 EST 2009

Not seen a program complain about dyld itself (not to say your not  
having the problem). Have seen a programs, typically from macports or  
fink ports, when compiled complain about the version of a library the  
program need to link to. That being a library already installed is  
different than the one your program needs to function.

Sort of like as described here... (random example).

Could this be the problem???

I think replacing the dynamic linker might be a bit risky in the  
larger scope things. Might try it on a non-production machine.

If your running a program which updates a library. It is important to  
reboot so that caches can be updated.
Why some system updates require rebooting.

You can update the Dynamically link library caches by doing this...

update_prebinding -force -root /

and then reboot immediately.  Was something we did more on PowerPC  
machines than Intel but not sure your details.

Hope this helps.


On 3-Mar-09, at 5:01 PM, Dani Roloson wrote:

> I have a program that complains dyld is version 11
> and needs to be at least version 12.
> Every google that I've done talks about updating the dyld cache
> not updating dyld itself.  Is it a part of the OS that I just
> can't update?
> Dani Roloson

Steve Hellyer
Pre-Sales Systems Engineer
Education Division (Higher Education)
Apple Canada Inc.
7495 Birchmount Rd.
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PH: (905)513-5647
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