[MacTUG] Apple OSX upgrades

Sandra Laughlin laughlin at ist.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Jun 11 16:00:39 EDT 2009

Hi Ian
We will be renewing our Apple contract this summer. I don't have prices for
you yet but our agreement is an educational one not retail and it is for 3
When I know more, I will pass the info onto this group.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Turner [mailto:iturner at cs.uwaterloo.ca] 
Sent: June 9, 2009 7:26 AM
To: Sandra Laughlin; macTug
Cc: Jennifer Keir; tg-macos-cscf at cscf.cs.uwaterloo.ca
Subject: Apple OSX upgrades

I was wondering if my memory is correct?
Is our 3 year agreement with Apple for OSX upgrades over this August?

Yesterday, they announced 10.6 = Snow Leopard will be available in 
September (stated retail upgrade price is only $29 US, too)

Any plans to extend?


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