[MacTUG] MS Remote Desktop Connection install and run locations on Mac OS X v1.2

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Jul 29 10:12:42 EDT 2009

This is a summary of my attempt to renew an expired temporary license on a MS terminal server from a Mac client.



To completely remove Microsoft's (MS) Macintosh Remote Desktop Connection client from Mac OS X.

Mac OS: 10.4.x (tiger) and 10.5.x (leopard)
Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection 2.0.0
Windows 2003 Terminal Server

File Locations

/Applications/Remote Desktop Connection.app

/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/


/Library/Receipts/Remote Desktop Connection.pkg OR /private/tmp/Remote Desktop Connection.pkg

/Users/userName/Documents/RDC Connections/Default.rdp

/Users/userName/Library/Caches/remote desktop connection
/Users/userName/Library/Caches/remote desktop connection/bcache22.bmc

/Users/userName/Library/Preferences/microsoft/RDC Client



The terminal server still said my license was expired.

Final Solutions

1) it appears that MS RDC v1 still works under tiger and leopard

2) use a third party MS RDC client: CoRD - Remote Desktop for Mac OS X, http://cord.sourceforge.net/

3) Get the terminal server administrator to clean out the temporary license database. [This worked but unlikely for the average mortal, aka student, to do.]


Tues, 2009-07-28: original

Wed, 2009-07-29: added more paths and another solution

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