[MacTUG] unix mac data recovery of one folder containing 2 files formats

Paul Henderson henders at ist.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Feb 17 08:53:18 EST 2009

Dear info,
We've just returned to work after our Family Day (Is that Ontario only?) 
weekend, so didn't see your email until now.

If you do regular backups to external media, then the files should be 
available from the backup.  However, I suspect you want some way to 
un-empty the trash.  That is beyond my knowledge, but I've forwarded 
your problem to some others who have more technical expertise than I 
do.  Perhaps one of them has a solution and will get back to you.

info at frostfirepictures.com wrote:
> is there a way to recover a lone folder with file types
> obj
> mtl
> contained inside
> trash was emptied by mistake,
> residing on an empty nw space on external raid 0
> in
> OS/X 10.4.11
> please advise

Paul Henderson, 519-888-4567 x32680
Information Systems and Technology, University of Waterloo

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