[MacTUG] OnBase document management system upgrade

Andrew Ward amward at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Aug 13 11:17:23 EDT 2009

We are preparing for an upgrade of the OnBase software for the document 
management system currently used for graduate admissions. The upgrade 
will take place early in the fall term.

The OnBase upgrade will require a deployment of new ActiveX controls for 
the web client on managed and unmanaged Windows workstations. This will 
impact all faculty users requiring access to OnBase. While we had hoped 
to forgo use of the ActiveX client, the Java client provided by the 
vendor is not yet sufficiently mature to use in its place.

Once we have a firm date scheduled for the upgrade (allowing sufficient 
time for ActiveX deployment), we will let you know. In the meantime, 
please reply with any questions or concerns.


Andrew Ward
Information Systems, IST

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