[MacTUG] ARD User History Report spins or crashes

Steve Hellyer phasetwo at apple.com
Tue Sep 16 10:50:34 EDT 2008

Hi Dani,

 From ARD Admin manual...

"User History report information is collected by default if you are  
installing Remote
Desktop for the first time. If you have upgraded an older version of  
Remote Desktop,
you need to enable its collection explicitly in the clients’ reporting  
policy. See “Setting
the Client’s Data Reporting Policy” on page 160 for instructions."

Data is stored in ProgreSQL database. /var/db/RemoteManagement/
Data history is only held for 30 Days.

Suggest if you doing this type of analysis on a large number of  
machines then setting up a task server to collect data maybe helpful.

Hope this helps.


On 15-Sep-08, at 2:49 PM, Dani Roloson wrote:

> I have a recent set of 8 machines that I'm trying to get
> a User History Report from using Apple Remote Desktop 3.2.
> If I say "Rebuild data for report", it tries for over half
> an hour before I kill it off; otherwise, it crashes ARD.
> I've tried getting it to collect data at 11am but it doesn't help.
> Other sets of machines respond almost immediately even with Rebuild.
> Any idea where it locally gets the user information? /var/log/wtmp?
> Hmm that's empty on all the problem machines.
> Dani
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Steve Hellyer
Pre-Sales Systems Engineer
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