[MacTUG] Yikes Netrestore is dead!

Don Duff-McCracken dsmccrac at connect.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Nov 20 12:29:51 EST 2008

OK this REALLY REALLY depresses me. I guess we have until 10.6 comes  
out to figure out what to do next
:-(      :-(      :-(      :-(      :-(      :-(      :-(      :- 
(      :-(      :-(      :-(      :-(      :-(      :-(      :- 
(      :-(      :-(      :-(      :-(      :-(      :-(      :- 
(      :-(      :-(      :-(      :-(      :-(      :-(


I suggest you download a spare copy and squirrel it away somewhere as  
he said he is taking the link down in a while.

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