[MacTUG] Bootcamp issue with large window xp hard drives partition

Edward Chrzanowski CSCF echrzano at cscf.cs.uwaterloo.ca
Thu May 22 06:38:43 EDT 2008

> Ran into the following problem today with two Intel iMac, Mac OS  
> 10.5.2 that is kind of strange.
> Windows XP (SR2) would install fine under bootcamp, when the windows  
> partition was 160 GB (or smaller). However, when ever we tried a  
> windows partition size of 200 GB, windows would start the install,  
> copy files, etc all the way to the first reboot stage. Upon reboot,  
> one gets the error message that the hal.dll file was missing. I think  
> the exact message was "Cannot Find \Windows\System32\hal.dll"
> Why the drive partition size would matter, I could find an answer to.  
> For the moment, the problem has been solved by just going with a 160  
> GB Windows partition.
> Now, I don't know if a partition size > 160 GB but less than 200 GB  
> would work as we didn't try it (it is just to time consuming to wipe  
> out the windows partition, create a new one using bootcamp, install  
> windows (doing the full NTFS format) and installing windows).
> Anyways,  if anyone comes across something to explain this, please let  
> me know as right now it makes little sense as to why this is happening.
> Thanks. 
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I ran into this problem a year ago when I was experimenting with bootcamp.
What helped me was:
Also take a look in http://www.bombich.com/mactips/dualboot.html

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