[MacTUG] Time Machine question

Steve Hellyer phasetwo at apple.com
Thu Mar 27 15:24:16 EDT 2008

On 27-Mar-08, at 2:13 PM, Glenn Anderson wrote:

> On 27-Mar-08, at 12:12 PM, Steve Hellyer wrote:
>> Hi Glen,
>> I would not trust that time machine backup.  Clearly there is  
>> something wrong with the source and time machine may have backupd  
>> the problem.
> Ok... that is sort of the answer I expected, although I would hope  
> that I could trust the time machine backup with the users files. The  
> OS, apps, etc will be done with a clean install.

I don't think we can be sure under these circumstances at what state  
user directory is in.  You likely correct and it fine.

>> First I would run DiskWarrior to see if it just a filing system  
>> error on the internal drive.  That might fix the problem.
> Unfortunately, the user doesn't have DiskWarrior.

IST should.  In the Mac tech circles it's a staple. Apple Site  
licences from Alsoft for internal use if that any indication of it  

>> If it does I would clear the time machine backup and start that new.
>> If this doesn't fix the problem.
>> I would perform a Carbon copy clone to an external firewire drive.   
>> Clean install of 10.5 on internal and then when it asks if you want  
>> to migrate plug in the external drive and have the install pick up  
>> the setting from the external drive Will look like another MAc in  
>> target disk mode).  Migration walks through the setting rather than  
>> just coping them.
> That approach would be my typical approach, although I hadn't  
> thought of using the migration tool to bring things over. I usually  
> just copy them via file copy.

Trying to save you some time with this method.

>> You will like need to enter any serial number for application the  
>> person has when running them on the new system.
> No problem.

Great! It always seems I have to go searching for mine. :-)

>> Other issues to watch for when moving from 10.4 to 10.5.  Check  
>> Plugins are current.  Quicktime add ons, Safari add ons. Mail  
>> Plugins etc..
>> Good luck,
>> Steve
>> On 27-Mar-08, at 10:07 AM, Glenn Anderson wrote:
>>> Here is the situation...
>>> I have a user that after upgrading (10.4 ->10.5) is having  
>>> problems with their iMac not booting up correctly (most of the  
>>> time). As I suspect it might be a case of something being carried  
>>> over from 10.4 to 10.5 that is causing a problem, and that they  
>>> maybe should do a clean install.
>>> The person does have a time machine backup of their system, and is  
>>> willing to do a clean OS  install of 10.5 (i.e. erase their hard  
>>> disk and such). After which they feel that they should be able to  
>>> simply connect their time machine backup drive and restore their  
>>> files.
>>> This sounds easy enough, but as I have not had a chance to try  
>>> this sort of thing out with time machine, I am somewhat reluctant  
>>> to tell them to go ahead. For example, when they plug in their  
>>> backup drive, will time machine on the rebuilt system know that  
>>> the drive is their time machine backup drive and allow them to  
>>> restore from it? Or is there a chance that Time Machine will ask  
>>> them if they want to use the drive as their time machine backup  
>>> drive and when they say "yes" it will reformat it?
>>> Has anyone done this?
>>> If this fails, can I easily mount the backup drive as a "normal"  
>>> drive and recover the files by hand?
>>> PS. I would prefer to have a CarbonCopy backup of their system,  
>>> but they don't have a spare drive for this.
>>> Glenn Anderson
>>> Client Services, IST
>>> University of Waterloo
>>> Waterloo, On
>>> 519-888-4567 x33327
>>> anderson at uwaterloo.ca
> Glenn Anderson
> Client Services, IST
> University of Waterloo
> Waterloo, On
> 519-888-4567 x33327
> anderson at uwaterloo.ca

Steve Hellyer
Pre-Sales Systems Engineer
Education Division (Higher Education)
Apple Canada Inc.
7495 Birchmount Rd.
Markham, Ontario, Canada
L3R 5G2

PH: (905)513-5647
Mailto: shellyer at apple.com or Mailto: phasetwo at apple.com

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