[MacTUG] FORE (Financial Online Reporting Environment) and Macs

Dani Roloson daroloso at mfcf.math.uwaterloo.ca
Mon Mar 24 16:02:21 EDT 2008

> From daroloso Thu Jan 25 14:24:53 2007
> To: mactug at lists.uwaterloo.ca
> Subject: FORE (Financial Online Reporting Environment) and Macs
> Apparently Finance is about to change FORE again sometime in March.
> Safari and the Acrobat plug-in weren't usable since the Mac version
> of Acrobat didn't do drill-down. 
> (Drill-down means you click on a link in one PDF and get another one
> ... usually detailed info on the financial transaction in this case.)
> Does any one know if fixed in Acrobat Reader 8?
> We started using Firefox and the Schubert PDF Browser Plugin
> but the Plugin doesn't seem to work since Firefox went from 1 to 2.
> Firefox on the Macs also seems to have this wonderful problem
> of not allowing you to set up the mime-types/helpers or whatever
> you want to call them.

Drill-down now seems to work with the combination of Safari 3
and Acrobat Reader 8.


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