[MacTUG] Apple launches Science Productivity Lab

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Jul 2 12:00:47 EDT 2008

Apple launches Science Productivity Lab

Posted Jul 1st 2008 1:00PM by Scott McNulty

Apple has just added a new section to the Science portion of its website (you did know Apple's website has a section devoted to science, right?). The Science Productivity Lab includes a number of video tutorials aimed at helping researchers and scientists use their Macs to share their work.

Most of the tutorials have a sciencey theme, but with subjects like, 'How to Create Live Screen Captures with Snapz Pro X,' I think it is safe to say that people other than scientists will find this information useful.

Note: The use of Bill Nye's picture should not be construed as an endorsement by the Science Guy. He does, though, think that science rules.


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