[MacTUG] Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection 2 now available

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Jul 2 11:58:52 EDT 2008

Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection 2 now available

Posted Jul 1st 2008 4:30PM by Scott McNulty

This is news that is certain to make Mac based Windows Admins (of which I am one) very happy: Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection 2 is finally out of beta. The final release includes all the new features that Microsoft added, some of the highlights include:

    * The ability to open multiple instances of Remote Desktop without resorting to a hack (though I do believe that each connection spawns a new instance of the app itself).
    * Redesigned UI
    * Support for Network Level Authentication (which makes connections more secure)

You can get more info about this release from the MacBU blog post.

Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection 2 is free, and a Universal app. And as always, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the very capable CoRD, which is an open source replacement for Microsoft's tool.


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