[MacTUG] Quadra 800 - system 7.1. Need MacTCP on 800k floppy

Paul Henderson henders at ist.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Apr 10 09:05:06 EDT 2008

I have some ancient Mac software on an external hard disk (SCSI), which 
I could let you borrow.  I think it has all of the stuff you need.  It 
may even have Mac system software back to v6.x.  I used to have MacTCP 
on a floppy, but I think I discarded all of my old floppies.

Paul Henderson, 519-888-4567 x32680
Information Systems and Technology, University of Waterloo

Jim Tremain wrote:
> We have an old Quadra 800 that runs system 7.1 and controls an Electron 
> Microscope.  The hard disk died and a used one was purchased via EBay. 
> System 7.1 and micrscope software run fine, but he is unable to transfer 
> data as ethernet is not working.  Remember the days when networking was 
> not part of the system.
> I need to install the MacTCP extention on this machine.  I believe that 
> these old Mac's had the 800Kb Mac variable speed floppy drives, so it may 
> have to be in that format.  I will also have to install, from floppy, an 
> ftp client.  Please include Fetch 4.0.3 as well.  After that I should be 
> able to download any other software needed.  Please note that Fetch 4.0.3 
> is still available on the web.
> I'm not sure if this matters but the ethernet is an old Asante FriendlyNet 
> external adapter that connects via that odd Mac only port (I faintly 
> remember the name Geo Port, or World Port, it may be one of those). 
> Hopefully no special software will be required for these.
> Thanks
> Jim
> --
>    Jim Tremain, B2 Rm 147B            Phone: (519) 885-1211 ext. 36420
>    Biology, Univ. of Waterloo         EMAIL: jim at sciborg.uwaterloo.ca
>    Waterloo, ON, CANADA
>    N2L 3G1
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