[MacTUG] Quadra 800 - system 7.1. Need MacTCP on 800k floppy

Jim Tremain jim at sciborg.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Apr 9 12:30:31 EDT 2008

We have an old Quadra 800 that runs system 7.1 and controls an Electron 
Microscope.  The hard disk died and a used one was purchased via EBay. 
System 7.1 and micrscope software run fine, but he is unable to transfer 
data as ethernet is not working.  Remember the days when networking was 
not part of the system.

I need to install the MacTCP extention on this machine.  I believe that 
these old Mac's had the 800Kb Mac variable speed floppy drives, so it may 
have to be in that format.  I will also have to install, from floppy, an 
ftp client.  Please include Fetch 4.0.3 as well.  After that I should be 
able to download any other software needed.  Please note that Fetch 4.0.3 
is still available on the web.

I'm not sure if this matters but the ethernet is an old Asante FriendlyNet 
external adapter that connects via that odd Mac only port (I faintly 
remember the name Geo Port, or World Port, it may be one of those). 
Hopefully no special software will be required for these.

   Jim Tremain, B2 Rm 147B            Phone: (519) 885-1211 ext. 36420
   Biology, Univ. of Waterloo         EMAIL: jim at sciborg.uwaterloo.ca
   Waterloo, ON, CANADA
   N2L 3G1

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