[MacTUG] InformationWeek Newsletter concerning macs

Edward Chrzanowski CSCF echrzano at cscf.cs.uwaterloo.ca
Mon Mar 12 06:58:51 EDT 2007

InformationWeek Daily Newsletter
Saturday, March 10, 2007

In This Issue:
1. Editor's Note: Best Apps In The Mac Ecosystem
2. Today's Top Story
- Top 22 Mac OS X Products
- Top Mac Products Image Gallery
3. More Mac Insights From John C. Welch
4. Upcoming: Blogging From South By Southwest
5. Last Week's Highlighted Coverage: Vista User Roundtable

Quote Of The Day:
"Every item on here either makes my day easier or more fun or
sometimes both. I think that's about the most you can ask for
from software." - InformationWeek Mac reviewer John C. Welch

Editor's Note: Best Apps In The Mac Ecosystem

If you're reading this, chances are it's because you use a
Macintosh at home or work and, almost by default, that means you
love the Apple platform. Or perhaps you've had it up to here with
your PC, the Vista transition, or the flaky things that PCs do,
and now you want to make a clean break.

Today we've got some great insights to offer both camps, from
reviewer and Mac expert John Welch. Welch offers up his list of
the most useful and favorite Mac applications, running the gamut
from personal productivity (text editor, blog posting,
diagramming, chat, and more) to hard-core IT functions (Windows
Mobile-to-Mac OS synchronization, scripting and script debugging,
virtualization, dual boot, and more) to leisure-time diversions
(gaming). He names a total of 22 programs.

Welch has cast the net far and wide to identify the best OS X
applications, including more than one from Microsoft and more
than one from Apple itself. 

Look at his selections as a conversation starter. We know many of
the Mac faithful hold fervent views about what works best on your
computer. Please share your favorite (or least favorite) Mac apps
and utilities, or weigh in on John's picks at my blog entry. In
the weeks to come, I'll report on the community's most useful Mac apps.

Tom Smith
tasmith at cmp.com

2. Today's Top Story: Best of the Mac

Top 22 Mac OS X Products
Our Apple expert John C. Welch picks 22 lesser-known applications
that can make your Mac experience more productive and more fun.

Part One: 

Part Two:

Image Gallery

3. More Mac Insights From John C. Welch

Review: Mac OS X Shines In Comparison With Windows Vista
Amid the hype surrounding the release of Windows Vista, Mac users
are taking solace from the fact that OS X is still a champ on
many fronts. Here are some reasons our reviewer John C. Welch
opts for Apple. 

Switching To The Mac: A Guide For Windows Users
Psst! Wanna switch to a Mac? Here's everything you need to know,
including what hardware and software to get and how to navigate
the new operating system. 

4. Upcoming

Mitch Wagner blogs the South by Southwest Internet conference
starting Sunday. Details here: 

5. Last Week's Highlighted Coverage

The InformationWeek Windows Vista Roundtable
What do IT managers, consultants, programmers, and everyday users
really think about Vista? We invited six of our readers to give
their opinions -- and we got an earful. 

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