[MacTUG] more fun with Adobe Reader

Dani Roloson daroloso at mfcf.math.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Feb 13 12:33:30 EST 2007

I first noticed on my home machine that everytime
I tried to open a PDF within Safari that it would
ask me where Acrobat was.
When it also happened for one of our clients,
I became suspicious.
I think Safari remembers where the orignally installed
Acrobat reader is (e.g. /Applications/Adobe Reader 7.0.5)
and when a newer version is installed like 8, something
still points into 7.0.5 (even when I tell 8 to fix Safari).
If you delete 7.0.5, Safari starts asking you every time.
The only workaround I've found is to start the 8 app at login
before Safari.
Reader 8 -> preferences -> internet also is set to open PDF's
with version 8.


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