[MacTUG] Another take on the delete alias/fix alias problem

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Mon Sep 25 11:52:33 EDT 2006

MacWindows. September 25, 2006 -- Patrick White sent in another 
suggestion for the delete alias/fix alias file sharing problem. White 

     Regarding the delete alias/fix alias problem, I am running a mac 
and a virtual windows machine through parallels. I found that this 
approach from MacRumors, 
http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=54704, worked.

     I can now connect through "connect to server" and even better I 
have created aliases on my desktop which, when clicked, cause the mac 
to connect automatically to the relevant folder in the Windows 
virtual machine. It's much faster than using the parallels desktop 
tools, and you don't have to go through such a tight bottleneck as 
with parallels shared folders.... instead I can share my whole hard 

     Two issues still remain for me though:

     1. How to open .lnk files from my Mac
     2. How to connect to the ntfs drive on my Windows exchange server

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