[MacTUG] FORE on Macs

Jim Tremain jim at sciborg.uwaterloo.ca
Mon Jan 30 10:24:59 EST 2006

Thanks Dani,

  This will help with a problem we have.

  Jim Tremain, B2 Rm 147B            Phone: (519) 885-1211 ext. 6420
  Biology, Univ. of Waterloo         EMAIL: Jim at Sciborg.UWaterloo.CA
  Waterloo, ON, CANADA
  N2L 3G1

On Mon, 30 Jan 2006, Dani Roloson wrote:

> http://www.schubert-it.com/pluginpdf/
> When you browse to a web page that includes a PDF, by default Mac
> browsers will open an external application ("Preview" by default, Adobe
> Acroread is commonly installed). It is possible to configure the
> browser to use a plugin rather than an external application. In this
> case, the PDF will be viewed within the same browser window, and "drill
> down" works better. Drill down is when successive pages give more
> specific detail. For example in the UW Financial Online Reporting
> Environment (F.O.R.E.) once you choose the report and give the account
> specifics you are given a PDF of the desired report. If you click on
> certain field data you are given additional PDFs with greater detail
> about the selected item. In a stock Mac environment each PDF is
> downloaded to your desktop, and you cannot follow the drill down
> links.
> Using the PDF Browser Plugin from Shubert IT resolves these issues for
> Mozilla and Firefox (and Netscape). Certain aspects do work for Safari
> and Microsoft Internet Explorer, but inconsistently.
> To install the plugin:
> * login with administrator permissions
> * install Mozilla or Firefox
> * install Adobe Acrobat Reader if desired
> * download the plugin from Shubert IT
> * open the plugin's dmg file and copy the plugin to the
>   "/Library/Internet Plug-ins" folder
> * if you have acrobat reader installed, you need to disable its plugin
>   to avoid conflicts
>   - open the Adobe Acrobat Reader preferences
>   - select the "Internet" category
>   - deselect the "Display PDF in browser using" item
>   - close Acrobat Reader
> * if you have the QuickTime plugin installed, you need to:
>   - select: System Preferences
>   - select: QuickTime
>   - click on the "Advanced" tab
>   - select: "MIME Settings"
>   - deselect: Images -> PDF Image
> * logout as administrator and login under the normal account
> * open Mozilla or Firefox and browse to a page that contains a PDF
> * When you click on the PDF link a pop-up window will remind you that you
>   must license the plugin unless you are using it for personal use or at
>   an educational institution. Select the last option (for educational
>   institutions) and the PDF will continue loading without any further
>   problems or reminders.
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> MacTUG at lists.uwaterloo.ca
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