[MacTUG] FORE on Macs

Dani Roloson daroloso at mfcf.math.uwaterloo.ca
Mon Jan 30 09:22:04 EST 2006


When you browse to a web page that includes a PDF, by default Mac
browsers will open an external application ("Preview" by default, Adobe
Acroread is commonly installed). It is possible to configure the
browser to use a plugin rather than an external application. In this
case, the PDF will be viewed within the same browser window, and "drill
down" works better. Drill down is when successive pages give more
specific detail. For example in the UW Financial Online Reporting
Environment (F.O.R.E.) once you choose the report and give the account
specifics you are given a PDF of the desired report. If you click on
certain field data you are given additional PDFs with greater detail
about the selected item. In a stock Mac environment each PDF is
downloaded to your desktop, and you cannot follow the drill down

Using the PDF Browser Plugin from Shubert IT resolves these issues for
Mozilla and Firefox (and Netscape). Certain aspects do work for Safari
and Microsoft Internet Explorer, but inconsistently.

To install the plugin:

* login with administrator permissions
* install Mozilla or Firefox
* install Adobe Acrobat Reader if desired
* download the plugin from Shubert IT
* open the plugin's dmg file and copy the plugin to the
  "/Library/Internet Plug-ins" folder
* if you have acrobat reader installed, you need to disable its plugin
  to avoid conflicts
  - open the Adobe Acrobat Reader preferences
  - select the "Internet" category
  - deselect the "Display PDF in browser using" item
  - close Acrobat Reader
* if you have the QuickTime plugin installed, you need to:
  - select: System Preferences
  - select: QuickTime
  - click on the "Advanced" tab
  - select: "MIME Settings"
  - deselect: Images -> PDF Image
* logout as administrator and login under the normal account
* open Mozilla or Firefox and browse to a page that contains a PDF
* When you click on the PDF link a pop-up window will remind you that you
  must license the plugin unless you are using it for personal use or at
  an educational institution. Select the last option (for educational
  institutions) and the PDF will continue loading without any further
  problems or reminders.

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