[MacTUG] Podcasting in Higher Education- improving engagement & learning

rcrispin at watarts.uwaterloo.ca rcrispin at watarts.uwaterloo.ca
Fri Feb 17 13:22:16 EST 2006

A unique opportunity to hear about one of the strongest trends in 
Higher Education today... please pass on this invitation to 
additional interested staff and faculty.

Speaking will be two Canadian and two American institutions. Topics 
will range, covering:
- experiences of an individual professor with the iPod and vodcasting 
at Carleton,
- UBC's experiences with podcasting and blogging and their plans to 
move forward with podcasting across campus,
- an iTunes U implementation at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry,
- a pervasive institution-wide iPod roll-out at Georgia College and 
State University.

McGraw Hill will also speak about their plans to support this "new 
breed" of curriculum.

Please, if you are planning to attend, go and register yourself, so 
that we order enough food.

- Welcome
- Keynote: A four-year experiment with the iPod: more than just the device
		Jim Wolfgang, CIO, Georgia College and State University
- Keynote: TBC
		Carol Philips, PhD, Harvard University
- Lunch
- How can the iPod be used as an educational device? / What is podcasting?
- Panel discussion: What have you learned from iPod on campus?
	Moderator: Markus Giesler, York University
		- Jim Wolfgang, CIO, Georgia College and State University
		- Brian Lamb, Office of Learning Technology, 
University of British Columbia
		- TBD, Higher Education, McGraw Hill Ryerson
		- Patrick Lyons, Educational Development Centre, 
Carleton University
		- Bob Burke, PhD, Instructor, Chemistry 100, Carleton 
		- Lynn Johnson, Dir. IT, University of Michigan 
School of Journalism
- Closing comments

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