[MacTUG] Stats on a Mac

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Aug 29 11:45:11 EDT 2006

I haven't tried SPSS under either of those options, but I did come  
across this person's comment regarding Parallels and it seems he is  
running SPSS fine.

"I installed Parallels on an Intel iMac recently. I created virtual  
machines with Ubuntu, Fedora Core, and FreeDOS (no reason, just  
because I can). All of them seem to work fine, except FreeDOS, but  
then in my experience DOS never worked well on my parents' Tandy either.

I installed Windows XP today and everything seems just fine and  
peppy. The IT guy who installed it commented that the installation  
took less time than on some of the Dells he worked with. My favorite  
part is the backup mechanism - I now have a fresh, no-spyware  
installation of Windows XP with Matlab, SPSS, and Access all  
installed. All of my documents will be stored on a Mac hard disk by a  
shared folder. So I went to the Finder and made a copy of the disk  
image, and when I want to revert to a fresh image, all I do is delete  
the working hard drive, and rename "image copy" to "image" and I'm  
back as good as new. 8)"


Note:  you may need to adjust some of parallel's setting to get  
maximum performance with a package such as SPSS

On 29-Aug-06, at 11:08 AM, Keith McGowan wrote:

> With the problems with SPSS running on Intel-based Macs, I'm just  
> wondering what Mac owners are using
> for Stats on their Intel-based machines?
> Does anyone know whether SPSS will run a Mac with Boot Camp or  
> Parallels and XP?
> Arts is now phasing in providing faculty members with a system for  
> their desktop and a MacMini
> is one of the options.  A number of these users will want access to  
> a stats program and SPSS is
> the predominant program in use for stats on the PC.  Also, given  
> there is a reasonable learning
> curve to familiarity with any of these programs, there will be a  
> reluctance to learn "yet another
> stats program".
> ...Keith
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