[MacTUG] Stats on a Mac

Keith McGowan kmcgowan at watarts.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Aug 29 11:08:14 EDT 2006

With the problems with SPSS running on Intel-based Macs, I'm just 
wondering what Mac owners are using
for Stats on their Intel-based machines?

Does anyone know whether SPSS will run a Mac with Boot Camp or Parallels 
and XP?

Arts is now phasing in providing faculty members with a system for their 
desktop and a MacMini
is one of the options.  A number of these users will want access to a 
stats program and SPSS is
the predominant program in use for stats on the PC.  Also, given there 
is a reasonable learning
curve to familiarity with any of these programs, there will be a 
reluctance to learn "yet another
stats program".


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