[MacTUG] Review: Parallel's workstation beta emulator

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Mon Apr 10 11:42:57 EDT 2006

Courtesy of macwindows.com:
Readers say Parallels beta is the tops. April 10, 2006 -- MacWindows 
readers are impressed with the performance and functionality of 
Windows running in Parallel Workstation beta on Mac OS X Duo Core 
Macs. Edmund Lee describes the quick installation:

     I installed the Parallels software in less than 5 minutes. Got a 
30-day evaluation key. Installed XP and got it and up and running in 
less than 30 minutes. Works like a charm, and fast, too.

Mark Warren had some problem with VGA and sound in an iMac:

     I downloaded the product this morning and installed it on my 17" 
Core Duo iMac and got right to work installing Windows XP SP2. Within 
25 minutes I had XP up and running. This is far quicker than 
comparable Intel solutions such as Q. Windows XP seems stable and 
very quick. Networking seems to be present, however an updated VGA 
driver might be needed as Device Manager lists it as missing. Sound 
seems absent as well. These issues might be resolved by using the 
drivers from Apple's Boot Camp driver CD, and I'll be trying that 
later to see what happens.

     I am also installing Windows 98 SE, as that is the version we'd 
initially migrate to. Install seems slower than for XP, however it is 
proceeding and once completed I'll see how things run.

Thomas Clifford, Jr., had no problems with sound, and was impressed 
by the performance:

     I just installed beta 2.1 of the Parallels Virtualization (beta). 
I installed Windows 2000 as my guest OS and I must say it is stunning 
how fast it is. I am running it on an Intel 20" iMac with 1.5GB RAM. 
I have allotted 600 MB RAM to the software. Wow, is it fast. The 
software comes with all the video, sound and network drives to make 
this one sweet option. I'm amazed!

     After installing all the updates and from a fresh start I can get 
Windows 2000 to boot from a stand still to desktop in 16 seconds. 
That's stunning. All while running garage band and iPhoto in the 
background. No dual boot for this boy--this is the way to go!

Bryan Everly found it faster than his ThinkPad:

     The Parallels virtualization software for OS X on Intel is 
incredibly fast. I installed Windows in about 30 minutes and am 
feeling pretty safe to say that the speed on my iMac 17" Intel iMac 
is faster than my ThinkPad T43p.

Tobias Torres Soler is another user with audio problems:

     I just installed Windows XP Pro SP2 on my Intel iMac 20" with the 
help of Parallels Workstation 2.1 beta. This works fine with the 
exception of a few things:

     The Ethernet connection does not work.  (I know because I've 
tried over 100 settings) And, there is no audio device.

Make it a great day!
Marlon A. Griffith
Architecture Computing and Media
School of Architecture
University of Waterloo
519-885-1211 x7651
m3griffi at architecture.uwaterloo.ca
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