[MacTUG] Another approach to running windows on a Mac

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Apr 7 09:18:15 EDT 2006


Parallels also supports other operating systems, opening up the  
possibility of a tri-OS Mac that runs Windows and Linux inside OS X.  
And it leverages Intel's Virtualization Technology architecture  
(built into all the Intel Macs but the Mini, according to Parallels),  
which is designed to boost virtualized PC performance.

Downsides? Compared to simply running Windows natively on an Intel  
Mac, as Boot Camp permits, there's a performance hit with the  
Parallels approach. But the company says it's modest--and it should  
certainly be far less of a slowdown than with Microsoft's Virtual PC,  
which had to perform the far trickier feat of running an x86 OS on a  
Power PC system. The company says that there shouldn't be any driver  
issues (I'll be intrigued to see, though, how its support for  
graphics adapters and add-ons compares to Boot Camp's). 
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