[MacTUG] Microsoft drops Mac IE

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Dec 19 18:42:41 EST 2005


The minority of Mac users still browsing with Internet Explorer need  
to consider moving to another browser very quickly, as Microsoft  
plans to discontinue support for IE beginning Dec. 31.

The news, which came in a statement on Friday, may not have come as a  
complete surprise to Mac users: Microsoft announced back in June 2003  
that it was ending Mac support for IE. Microsoft has not upgraded the  
software in three years, leaving IE 5--rather than version 6, which  
is available for Windows--as the most recent version available to Mac  

While IE for Mac will continue to be available for another month  
after support ends, Microsoft is advising all users to move to "more  
recent browsing technology such as Apple's Safari."

The lack of support for IE is unlikely to be an issue for Apple  
users, most of whom already use alternatives. The only potential  
difficulty could lie with some sites that have been designed to work  
with IE only.

This affects a minority of sites, but the issue hasn't completely  
gone away. In June, for example, Web-testing company SciVisum said  
that one in 10 Web sites in the U.K. failed to work properly with  
Firefox, the popular open-source browser.

Firefox, Safari and other browsers such as Opera are available for  
Mac OS X.
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