[quantum-info] Fwd: QCrypt 2020 - IMPORTANT UPDATE

Daniel Gottesman dgottesman at perimeterinstitute.ca
Tue Mar 24 13:45:34 EDT 2020

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Serge Fehr <Serge.Fehr at cwi.nl>
Date: Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 1:29 PM
Subject: QCrypt 2020 - IMPORTANT UPDATE
To: <qcrypt-announce at vad1.com>

Dear QCrypt Friends

This is an important update on QCrypt 2020; please read carefully.

Because of the ongoing coronavirus situation, in discussions among the
Steering Committee, the PC Chairs, and the Local Organizers, the
following decisions have been made:

1.   The submission deadline for contributed talks is extended from
originally April 1 to new April 17. This is to accommodate authors that
have a hard time finishing their submissions in time due to the current
difficult situation. Along with the submission deadline, also other key
dates (notification, poster submission, etc.) are postponed. See
https://2020.qcrypt.net/call/#key-dates for all the new dates.

2.   So far, the preparations for QCrypt 2020 are still up and running,
hoping that the situation improves in time. However, it remains unsure
whether the conference can take place as originally planned. The final
decision on whether or not the physical conference will take place will
be made by June 1.

3.   The paper submission and selection procedure will remain unaffected
by any decision to cancel the physical conference. If it is decided that
the physical QCrypt 2020 conference does not take place then the
accepted papers will be presented in a "virtual" QCrypt 2020 conference
(the details of the latter are not fixed yet).

Looking forward to your exciting submissions, and hoping that you and
your loved ones are and stay healthy and are managing this unusual
situation well.

Best regards,
Serge Fehr and Qiang Zhang (on behalf of the QCrypt Steering Committee)

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