[wics-announce] WiCS June Events and Opportunities

Women in Computer Science Announcements wics-announce at lists.uwaterloo.ca
Mon Jun 6 09:09:24 EDT 2016

Hello everyone!

I hope June is going well so far! Here are some events that are coming up
that you might be interested in:

1) Big CSters and FemPhys De-stressing Session (Tomorrow!)
2) Machine Learning Tech Workshop
3) Sticker Designs
4) Office Hours

*Big CSters and FemPhys: De-stressing session*
*When: Tuesday, June 7th, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.*
*Where: QNC 1506*
WiCS is collaborating with FemPhys to bring you a de-stressing session! We
know school can be pretty stressful sometimes, so hopefully you can take an
opportunity to take a breather and de-stress with us for a couple
hours. There will be a variety of activities including making face-masks,
colouring, discussion circles, and more (if you are interested in making
face masks, we suggest bringing a small container if possible).
As always, food will be available :)
*Note: *This is a women-only event <http://wics.uwaterloo.ca/faq/>.

*Machine Learning Technical Workshop*
*When: Saturday, June 18th, 1-3 p.m.*
*Where: Details will be sent to participants*
Akshaya and Evy are holding an introductory workshop, sponsored by
BlackBerry, to machine learning where you will get to program your own
machine learning algorithms and watch them in action! This workshop doesn't
require much prior experience, but you should be comfortable programming
basic algorithms (using for loops, if/else, etc). We'll be using
JavaScript, but upper year mentors will be around to answer questions, so
don't worry if you've never programmed in JavaScript before!
*Call for mentors*: If you feel you have some working knowledge of any
concepts in machine learning, JavaScript, or both, we'd love for you to
volunteer as a mentor at the workshop! Send us an email at
wics-ugrad at lists.uwaterloo.ca if you're interested or have any questions.
Space for the workshop is* limited *so make sure to* register soon
*Note*: This is a women-only event <http://wics.uwaterloo.ca/faq/>.

*Sticker Designs*
WiCS is looking to expand their sticker collection! If you have a sticker
design you'd like to submit to WiCS, we'd be happy to consider it! Be
creative :) It doesn't have to have the WiCS logo on it, as long as the
stickers are themed along women in tech. You can e-mail your submissions to
wics-ugrad at lists.uwaterloo.ca with the subject WiCS Sticker Submission.

*Office Hours*
*Weekly office hours are posted on our website
<http://wics.uwaterloo.ca/calendar/>. *
We have office hours where we open our office for women and non-binary
individuals <http://wics.uwaterloo.ca/faq/> to hang out at! We have two
terminals for people to hack or do homework on, white boards to help you
practice and solve problems on, space to study, *a lot of* *snacks* (please
eat our snacks), and free swag (stickers, buttons, etc)!

We hope to see you at our events :)
Good luck with your midterms!

*If you are interested in volunteering and have not joined our volunteer
mailing list, please let us know and send us an email so we can add you. :)*

Clare Ng
Director of Publicity
Women in Computer Science Undergrad Committee
University of Waterloo
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