[quantum-info] Fwd: JILA searching for an experimental physicist

Daniel Gottesman dgottesman at perimeterinstitute.ca
Sat Nov 17 17:50:30 EST 2018

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Konrad Lehnert <lehnertk at jilau1.colorado.edu>
Date: Fri, Nov 16, 2018 at 11:08 PM
Subject: JILA searching for an experimental physicist
To: Konrad Lehnert <konrad.lehnert at jila.colorado.edu>

Dear Quantum information scientist,

I wanted to bring to your attention a search for a JILA/University of
Colorado assistant professor in experimental physics, with an emphasis
on quantum information science and sensing. Details are here.


The deadline is December 3rd, though we can review applications that
arrive later. I would be most grateful if you would forward this email
to any potential candidates you know.

Apologies for the mass email.

Best regards,


Konrad W. Lehnert

JILA Fellow and Professor of Physics

University of Colorado and NIST

Email: konrad.lehnert at jila.colorado.edu

Office phone: 303 492-8348

Group website: http://jila.colorado.edu/lehnert/

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