[quantum-info] FW: Workshop on Discrete Phase Space Methods for Quantum Fault-Tolerance

Daniel Gottesman dgottesman at perimeterinstitute.ca
Wed Apr 4 12:26:47 EDT 2018

-----Original Message-----
From: David Gross [mailto:david.gross at thp.uni-koeln.de]
Sent: April-03-18 3:48 AM
Subject: Workshop on Discrete Phase Space Methods for Quantum

Dear Colleague,

We are organizing a three-day workshop on Discrete Phase Space Methods for
Quantum Fault-Tolerance.

In recent years, discrete phase spaces have found many applications in
quantum computing - going beyond the long-established use for constructing
stabilizer codes. The developments we would like to discuss at the workshop
include the use of quasi-probability distributions to derive Clifford
monotones or new distillation schemes; the relation between negativity,
computational power, and contextuality; and the complexity of Monte Carlo
algorithms for simulating noisy quantum operations using quasi-probability

We are happy to announce that Earl Campbell (Sheffield), Robert Raussendorf
(Vancouver), and Michael Walter (Amsterdam) have agreed to give key note

Participants are invited to indicate results they would like to present
during a poster session. We will select some submissions for oral
presentations. We would like to particularly encourage PhD students and
young researchers to send in their work.

The workshop will be held from the 21st - 23rd of August 2018 at the Physics
Center Bad Honnef (close to Bonn and Cologne). Places are limited, so
register early!

For more information, please consult our web page at


Please forward this email to anyone who could be interested. Apologies if
you receive this announcement more than once.

Best regards,

Markus Heinrich
Felipe Montealegre
Michael Kastoryano
David Gross

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