[MacTUG] iPhone 15 Pro / Max New Features: USB-C, 5x Camera, Performance and More! - ls

Marlon A Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Mon Sep 25 10:27:47 EDT 2023

Lon showcases what the usbc port has allowed the iphone to do. We are on 
our way to having the phone be our cpu for our computers.

by Lon.TV
Sat Sep 23 2023 18:45:01 (1 day)

     Buy an iPhone 15 Pro - https://lon.tv/84k6q (compensated affiliate 
link) - Apple's new iPhone 15 Pro is out and although it's another 
incremental update there are a few new features that are worth exploring 
- many of them centering around the USB-C port that replaced the 
lightning connector. See more smartphones: 
and subscribe! http://lon.tv/s

     00:00 - Intro
     00:38 - Pricing & Verizon Trade-in Gotchyas
     01:55 - Hardware Overview
     03:00 - Weight Differences
     04:29 - Fit and Finish
     04:50 - Action Button
     06:55 - USB-C port and docking stations!
     08:50 - USB-C Video Output Quality and Latency
     09:28 - Video Recording to External SSDs / Media
     12:55 - Portrait option for every photo
     14:44 - Image quality
     15:55 - Lens Switching While Recording Video!
     16:26 - 5x Video Examples
     17:28 - Performance Differences
     19:01 - Battery life and Cycle Count


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