[MacTUG] FYI: Apple announces iMovie 3.0 update with new Storyboards and Magic Movie features

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Apr 13 09:10:02 EDT 2022

I don’t know how popular iMovie is here on campus, I do know a few users.

In anywise Apple has updated it to 3.0

The following article  https://www.dpreview.com/news/0176655110/apple-announces-imovie-3-0-update-with-new-storyboards-and-magic-movie-features describes the two new features as below:

- Storyboards is a new feature in iMovie 3.0 that helps newcomers develop a strategy for shooting and editing 20 different styles of video. After selecting one of the genres, Storyboards provides users with a pre-made template that organizes a shot list into a narrative to fit one of 20 topics Apple has included at launch, including DIY projects, gaming clips, Q&A sessions, behind-the-scenes videos, cooking videos and more.

- Magic Movie is another new feature in iMovie 3.0 that will create custom videos based on a selection of images and videos on your device.
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