[MacTUG] Apparently Friday was My Account Stopped Working Day

Dani Roloson daroloso at uwaterloo.ca
Sun Jan 24 22:42:35 EST 2021

First one just started working eventually.

Second one required me to reset the password from our account AND reboot.

Third one allowed the user and us to login but not unlock anything. Ours said try again in 15000 minutes which is about 11 days.   Required SMC reset.

No idea whether to blame M1, T2, or Big Sur.

If you can't unlock settings in System Preferences - Apple Support<https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT203127>
If System Preferences doesn't accept a valid administrator password when you click the lock to make changes, try these solutions.


How to reset the SMC of your Mac<https://support.apple.com/en-ca/HT201295>
Resetting the system management controller (SMC) can resolve certain issues related to power, battery, fans, and other features.

Strange but it worked on a M1 despite the article saying Intel only.  Another article says only Apple can reset M1 SMC.
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