[MacTUG] Tips to detect malware on macos

Marlon Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Feb 24 09:42:24 EST 2021

 From 'Mysterious malware infects 30,000 Mac computers - TechRepublic,'
... On a more technical security or developer level, Red Canary also 
offers the following advice to enterprises:

     Look for a process that appears to be PlistBuddy executing in 
conjunction with a command line containing the following: LaunchAgents 
and RunAtLoad and true. This analytic helps find multiple macOS malware 
families establishing LaunchAgent persistence.
     Look for a process that appears to be sqlite3 executing in 
conjunction with a command line that contains LSQuarantine. This 
analytic helps find multiple macOS malware families manipulating or 
searching metadata for downloaded files.
     Look for a process that appears to be curl executing in conjunction 
with a command line that contains s3.amazonaws.com. This analytic helps 
find multiple macOS malware families using S3 buckets for distribution.


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