[MacTUG] FW: Software Update - MacOS Big Sur & Safari 14.0.1

jjohnston at uwaterloo.ca jjohnston at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Nov 13 15:04:13 EST 2020

On my Big Sur test Mac, I ran (as root):

root at mfcfmac41 ~ # /opt/cisco/vpn/bin/vpn_uninstall.sh
Uninstalling Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client...
/opt/cisco/vpn/bin/vpn_uninstall.sh: line 88: /opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/manifesttool: Bad CPU type in executable
Executing: /usr/bin/kmutil showloaded
No variant specified, falling back to release
Successfully removed Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client from the system.

Then I clean installed the VPN client again and it works fine now.
In this case I installed the client via JAMF policy, but
that policy literally runs the installer that we grabbed from
cn-vpn.uwaterloo.ca, so it should work for anyone.

This version of the client still asks for the Cisco system extension to
be approved, and a reboot to activate it once the user has approved it.
  System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> New system extension... (at bottom)

So, as long as the end user has local admin rights (or you can screen share),
or the Mac is managed and MDM/DEP is configured correctly, then this will be
a nuisance but not insurmountable.


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